DL Books LLC
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Nowolipie Street, first published in Poland in 1991, is an affectionate and poignant chronicle of richly detailed Jewish life in Warsaw during the 1920’s and 30’s and the early months of the German occupation, experienced by the author as a child and adolescent boy.
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American reviewers wrote the following aboutNowolipie Street:
"There can never now again be a memoir of the lost Jewish world of interwar Warsaw to compare to this generously detailed and beautifully crafted study of childhood by Józef Hen. This is to be savored and treasured and preserved."
Timothy Snyder, Yale University
"Highly recommended."
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York University
"Hen, the author of several other books and short stories and a Jewish survivor of World War II, has written a striking memoir. He brings together his artistic prowess and personal experience in this beautiful volume. NowolipieStreet is valuable as a historical account, and as a rich example of the genre."
Emily Adams, ForeWord Clarion Reviews
5 stars out of 5